Working With Herbs

In my opinion, herbs and florals are one of your best tools in witchcraft. Provided by Mother Earth herself, herbs and florals are made of nature’s magick, each with their own association. You don’t even need to break the bank to attain these supplies - simply step out into nature and begin foraging. Alternatively, your local supermarket will have a wide range of herbs you can use in your practice, making herbs one of the easiest tools to attain.

When I began my practice, there was a specific selection of herbs I used frequently. I found they covered all spellwork I was partaking in as a novice witch, and still happily return to many of them today. If I were to put together a spell kit of my absolute essential herbs and florals, it would look a lot like this:

  • Rose: Love, Divination, Passion

  • Lavender: Peace, Protection

  • Chamomile: Abundance, Peace

  • Bay Leaves: Abundance, Protection, Wish-Making

  • Rosemary: Love, Protection, Abundance

  • Cinnamon: Abundance, Protection

  • Sea Salt: Cleansing, Protection

  • Cloves: Banishing

  • Damiana: Divination, Passion, Love

But how do we actually make use of these herbs?

The fun part of witchcraft is that the only limit is your imagination. Once you set your intention with your herbs, you can utilise them in many ways. For example:

  • Spell jars

  • Burning

  • Spell pouches

  • Infusing water

  • Candle magick

And that’s only the start. Like I said, the limit is your imagination in this practice. If you find power in telling your rose petals you need more love in your life and then throwing said petals to the wind, that is just as powerful as combining them in a jar with other love-associated items. After all, the power is in you too.

For now, here’s a simple spell for any novice witch to try out:

  • Step 1: Find a bay leaf big enough to write on, a pen, a lighter/matches, some tongues and a cauldron/fire proof dish.

  • Step 2: Write something you have been desiring to enter your life on the bay leaf, such as “peace” or “money”.

  • Step 3: Take your tongues and hold one end of the leaf with them. Then, over your fire proof dish, light the leaf on fire. Set your intention as you do so; imagine the thing you have written manifesting itself in your life.

  • Step 4: Place the bay leaf in your fire proof dish, allowing it to burn through completely. If you’re able, take this time to meditate on the spell.

And that’s it! A simple but effective spell that anyone can try out. Remember, always use fire safety and have your protections running when doing spellwork. Keep a pentacle symbol out or light a black candle as protection.

That’s all for this entry witches! If you have any requests for my blogs, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment below - I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Until next time,


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Dressing For Your Venus Sign


The Journey Into Witchcraft